Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Halal Pharmaceuticals Industry in Indonesia
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This study explores the opportunities and challenges of developing halal pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia following the issuance of the Halal Assurance Product Law (UU JPH) and Indonesia’s Masterplan of Islamic Economics and Finance (MEKSI) 2019-2024. It employs a qualitative research approach with the content analysis method. It collected primary data through interviews and Focus Group Discussion with various stakeholders of the Indonesia’s pharmaceutical industry, including regulators, industry players, Muslim scholars, and academics. The study identified five opportunities for the Indonesian halal pharmaceuticals industry, including the enormously growing global and local market, increasing awareness for halal products, more flexible timeline to adjust with the Indonesian Halal Products Assurance Law, involvement of cross-institutional regulators in maintaining the halal regulation, and abundance of pharmaceutical resources. Meanwhile, the challenges faced include a substantial proportion of imported raw materials for producing halal pharmaceutical products, a lack of technical guidance regarding the halal certification regulation, and a lack of qualified human resources. Two strategies are suggested to overcome the challenges: promoting domestically produced raw materials and encouraging halal certification among the global raw materials supplier. The findings and analyses also highlight the urgency for the government and industry to implement appropriate strategies in implementing the halal-related Law effectively and capture the opportunities.
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